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Fresh Start - Starter Packs Project

F fanette  •  2023-02-02  •  No comments  •  The Edinburgh Community Climate Fund  • 


Project code: 5



Since 1999 Fresh Start has been supporting people moving on from homelessness to ‘make a home for themselves’ across Edinburgh. Responding to people with lived experience of homelessness we provide practical support as people move on from temporary accommodation into new unfurnished tenancies.

Our service-users typically are allocated unfurnished properties and do not have the means to purchase the goods that make a home. Fresh Start provides Starter Packs of essential household goods - crockery, pots/pans, bedding, towels - to homeless households within the first 3 days of them moving in to their new tenancies, relieving financial burden and ensuring they have the essentials they need to settle in their new home.

We supply 13 different Starter Packs of quality used-household goods which are donated by the public and local businesses. Teams of volunteers gather in these donations and sort them in our warehouse for distribution.  

In 2022 we distribute 14,430 packs and helped over 2,000 people moving out of temporary Housing. We diverted 75,500 kg (75.5 t.) of goods from landfill.

Location: 22-24 Ferry Road Drive , Edinburgh, EH4 4BR

Proposed on behalf of: Fresh Start works across poverty prevention and support out of homelessness. We provide practical, social and emotional support to help people resettle successfully in their new home and community after period in temporary accommodation.