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Cargo Bike Movement Food Sharing Project

C CargoBikeMovement  •  2023-02-10  •  15 comments  •  The Edinburgh Community Climate Fund  • 

Food and sometimes flowers to bring cheer to those who need it most!
Food and sometimes flowers to bring cheer to those who need it most!

Project code: 23



This fund would enable us to pay our Volunteer Coordinator full time to manage and grow our food sharing project. This is an essential role and without this position we would not be able to successfully continue this important work. 

Cargo Bike Movement is a charity that was established, initially informally, in April 2020 in response to the first UK Covid-19 lockdown. Since then, we have gone through the journey of being a Community Interest Company (CIC) and now a registered charity (SC051593)!

By bringing together cargo bikes and volunteers, we were able to respond to food insecurity experienced by many across the city of Edinburgh. We did this in a number of ways, such as delivering surplus supermarket food to those being accommodated in hotels, shelters, and hostels, and supporting local food banks and building partnerships with various charitable organisations across Edinburgh.

By collecting surplus food from supermarkets, we prevent these products from being wasted, which helps people and planet.

We ensure these tasty items end up on plates - where they should be - and limit the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food ‘waste’. Typically, 1 tonne of food wasted from supermarkets results in 1 kg CO2 equivalent emissions*. These greenhouse gas emissions can negatively alter our atmosphere and impact climate change.

Working through existing charities and services, we get food to those that need it in a dignified way.

Over 80,000 people in Edinburgh live in poverty, affecting almost 1 in 5 children**. Ideally, the service we and our partners deliver shouldn’t be needed, but sadly it is and we are proud to be able to offer the support that we do.

* DEFRA Conversation Factors, 2020

** Edinburgh Poverty Commission

Location: Edinburgh

Proposed on behalf of: Cargo Bike Movement is a charity that was established, initially informally, in April 2020 in response to the first UK Covid-19 lockdown. By bringing together cargo bikes and volunteers, we were able to respond to food insecurity experienced by many across the city of Edinburgh.

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  • T

    An organisation making a true difference in how we perceive transport in Edinburgh.

    1 vote  | 
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    • N

      Excellent service and environmentally friendly too!

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      • M

        Good luck - keep up the good work!

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        • N

          Great charity! I've borrowed their bikes a couple times and they couldn't have been more helpful.

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          • K

            This is a fantastic initiative which promotes cycling while redistributing supermarket waste to those in need

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